24th Apr 2018
24th Apr 2018
1. The lens
You'll need to start by choosing which lens works best for your planned video (e.g. vintage or modern) and then make a decision about the focal length. This could be anything between a creative wide angle to a compressing portrait lens.
2. Colour choices
Yes, you'll need to decide between a black and white or colour video, but there are other elements to consider here too. For example, what kind of colour palette do you want in the video and what kind of mood are you looking to create with the colours you opt for?
3. The right lighting
As with photos, lighting can make or break video production. Even if you're producing on a much smaller scale than a professional outfit, you still need to make sure you've got good light - what's the point of having a video that's too dark? This doesn't have to be expensive and there are plenty of options, from fluorescent light to LED panels.
4. Filming technique
Today, technology provides smaller video producers with a much wider range of techniques to utilise. For example, a drone camera cane be used to cost effectively film from the air, unless you've got the budget for a helicopter (pretty jealous if you did).
5. Framing the shots
The way you compose your video will be linked to the lens that you choose to a certain extent. There are also some standard options for composition, depending what's in the shot. However, you still have space to make each shot your own, so this is worth planning in advance.
6. Production details
There are a range of other production details that may need to be taken into account, from the use of props to the placement of windows.
7. To time-lapse or not?
Time-lapse videos are increasingly popular. It can be a very effective tool in the right circumstances, but can sometimes not provide enough detail. If the situation is ideal for time-lapse, then it's certainly worth considering, but don't use it just because everyone else is.
8. The use of gimbals
A gimbal (a pivoted support that allows the rotation of a camera around a single axis) can be used to get a decent tracking shot instead of going to the expense of a dolly.
9. Sound planning
The soundtrack to any video is just as important as to what is on the screen. Just look at the big blockbusters - a good soundtrack makes a film. It's crucial to make sure the two go together and to ensure that the music or sound effects that you use enhance the message on screen.
10. Structured creativity
Is there such a thing? Well, I'm afraid you can't wing it with this type of thing. So, make sure you take the time to plan your video production before you begin to ensure it's as professional as it possibly can be.
Need some more pointers? Just give us a call.