22nd Nov 2018
22nd Nov 2018
Use more on-page video
By 2020, 80% of global internet traffic will be attributable to video. Why? Because we love to engage with it. Clever use of video in your website can help to create a sense of connection, trust and transparency with your brand - for example, having a video as the background to your home page. Just be sure to take into account the impact of video on page loading speeds to avoid users bouncing from frustration.
Reduce the number of static elements
As video continues to rise and rise, the best ways to engage with customers online come from moving elements. Static visuals and images can be replaced with moving alternatives. Animation is a great example, as it is interactive, grabs attention and can quickly deliver information on how consumers can find a product or use the website.
Develop a unique brand identity
Digital design has come a long way since the early days and customer expectations have risen in parallel. Users want to spend time on websites that have a clear message, offer an enjoyable experience, clever design and strong visuals. Unique and engaging digital art and design has an essential part to play in crafting a brand identity that will stand out in the crowded online marketplace.
Invest in your images
Customers today are much savvier than the early years of the internet. Stock photos, poor quality images and inappropriate visuals just won't do any more. By investing in creating your own unique, relevant and high quality imagery you're sending a message to consumers that your brand is authentic and trustworthy. It's also much easier to be clear about what your brand message is with strong images. As a result customers will automatically want to engage to find out more.
Don't shy away from bold colours and designs
The days of beige are behind us. You no longer need to stick to neutrals in order to create a professional impression with your website. In fact, the bolder and brighter it is the more likely you are to engage with your audience, especially if they're a younger demographic.
Bespoke touches will make your e-commerce website stand out
Customisation is a simple way to give your engagement levels a boost by enhancing the uniqueness of your brand. Individually crafted illustrations have great emotional power when it comes to making connections with customers and customising icons will make your website feel completely unique.
Engaging with consumers is the key challenge for any e-commerce business over the next few years. Making changes such as these can create new opportunities for any brand.
Want help making your own? Give us a call (or email if you prefer).