Search Engine Optimisation for your website

Search Engine Optimisation for your website

You may have what you think is a great website. However, getting organic and suitable traffic to it is a different challenge. With Google's ever changing algorithms, you need to be constantly analysing, modifying and updating your content in your efforts to improve your website's visibility in search results.

With your website, you're looking to meet the needs of someone's search. You do that by creating high-quality content that sits alongside a top-notch user experience. It's important to remember that SEO is a long-term process, and results may take time to achieve. Therefore, the keys to success are patience and consistency.

We can guide you through various SEO processes including keyword research, creating and optimising content and building links. As well as this, we work to ensure that your site is as technically sound as possible.

Search engines are often one of the biggest traffic sources to your site. You need to take advantage and get closer to the top of the list for target keywords. It's quite simple in that the higher you rank, the more people will visit your site. SEO helps increase the likelihood that you rank nearer the top.

Storm12 offer our clients a number of SEO-based services. 

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An important part of our SEO process is to benchmark performance standards. We compare the current performance of a website's SEO metrics to established benchmarks or industry standards. We can then assess its effectiveness and identify any areas for improvement.

SEO benchmarking involves analysing various KPIs related to SEO. Examples of KPIs include organic search traffic, keyword rankings, backlinks, on-page optimisation, user engagement, and conversion rates.

These benchmarks can be based on historical data for the same website or industry-wide data from competitors or similar websites.

This means we can put together an SEO benchmark report to establish a baseline for comparison.

By benchmarking your SEO performance, we can gain insights into your website's SEO effectiveness, identify gaps and opportunities for improvement. This means we can make decisions based upon data, and also collaborate to set realistic goals to track progress. We can also make informed adjustments to your SEO strategy as needed.

SEO competitor analysis

We conduct analysis of your competitors for various reasons.

It helps us to spot who you are vying with for those top spots in search results. Taking the time to understand your competitors' activities from an SEO perspective gives us insights into your industry and its online landscape. This helps us to design an SEO strategy which gives you the best chance of increased success in results listings.

Looking at the competition means we can set realistic goals for your SEO strategy. Using SEO competitor analysis tools means we can compare performance and ranking positions and set a baseline to track against. SEO is a process of continual adaptation and optimisation, so this initial stage is important to determine whether your strategies are working.

We help our clients by identifying keywords which their competitors are ranking for. We also help with spotting valuable keywords in search traffic which your website might not be capitalising upon. A competitor review can reveal the keywords and phrases that they target. By analysing your site versus your competitors, we can unlock opportunities to get you noticed.

Reviewing the websites of other businesses in your sector can also provide valuable insights into their design, structure and user experience. Even the way they present content could have an impact on their SEO performance, so it's important to look beyond your own site and learn as much as you can.

Keyword analysis for SEO

SEO keyword research and analysis, also known as keyword research, is the process of identifying and evaluating keywords or phrases that people use when searching online for information, products, or services.

It is a critical step in search engine optimisation (SEO) as it helps website owners and marketers understand what keywords are relevant to their content and target audience. It also tells us how to optimise a website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

The first stage in the process is keyword identification. Usually, this involves a brainstorm to generate a list of potential keyword ideas which are relevant to the site's content, sector and desired audience.

Once we have a list of keywords, we need to analyse them for search volume and competition. This analysis helps to prioritise the keywords based on their potential to drive targeted traffic and rank well in search results.

Your keywords should be specific, relevant, and have a significant volume. After all, there's little value in filling your site with keywords nobody is searching for. You want your site populated with keywords which increase the chances of driving traffic to it.

Based upon the keyword analysis and competitive analysis, we make a finalised list of keywords to be targeted. These are then used to optimise the content on your website, the meta tags, headings and even URLs. They are reviewed regularly as part of an ongoing process to monitor your site's performance, with adjustments made as required.

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SEO keyword strategy

In order to build and optimise a set of keywords which are relevant for your business and your target audience, it's important that we design an SEO keyword strategy. Our aim is to enhance the visibility of your site in search engine results, and improve the flow of traffic to it.

The goal of our keyword strategy is to drive more organic traffic to your website. This is non-paid traffic based upon a search term within, for example, Google. We are looking to encourage qualified visitors to click through to your website to find answers to questions or information about their search.

Whilst you may think that it's important to fill your website with as many keywords as possible as this will lead to more traffic, the opposite is true. Our SEO keyword strategies focus much more on quality and context than quantity. Google is clever enough to know when you're trying to 'keyword stuff' - that is, excessively using keywords in your content in the hope of increasing rankings. Remember, your site's content should be produced with your intended audience in mind, not search engine algorithms.

instead, we'll help you to focus on keywords which are both relevant to your business and have volumes which are likely to make an impact on your ranking performance.

Backlink outreach

Backlink outreach is a digital marketing strategy used to build high-quality backlinks to a website from other websites. Backlinks are sometimes known as as inbound links or incoming links. They are hyperlinks from one website to another. 

Why do we conduct backlink outreach? We're looking to increase the credibility of your site within search engine rankings by boosting its authority as a source of valuable information. 

Reputable websites linking back to yours is a sign of trustworthiness. This is recognised by Google and other search engines. Your website is then seen as a reliable source of content which will, in turn, increase its visibility. 

An important element of a backlink outreach strategy is analysing the backlink profiles of your competitors. This will help you to identify which strategies they are using and also any authoritative websites which link back to them. You can then target the same sites and request links to yours. This will boost the authority score of your website and also its rankings with SERPs. 

We help our clients with a strategic approach to backlink outreach. It takes time, but can be a highly effective method for improving the visibility of your website. 

Monitoring and optimisation

SEO is a long-term strategy, and you might not see instant results. Monthly optimisation for SEO requires consistent effort and continuous improvement to achieve and maintain desired search engine rankings and visibility. 

Monitoring SEO performance involves constantly keeping an eye on the effectiveness of keywords and making necessary alterations to the keyword strategy. We use a number of metrics to review how keywords are performing including search rankings, traffic, and conversions. 

This means we can then review our strategy and optimise your content for new keywords or make adjustments to existing ones. We also look at the website's structure and content to identify any areas for improvement. We do this on a monthly basis in order to make your site as attractive to search engines as possible.   

Typically, our monthly programme includes: 

  • Creating new content or optimising existing content to ensure that it contains quality, relevant keywords in line with your site's strategy. SEO optimised content plays a key role in keeping your site in search rankings. It is something we constantly monitor and adapt as necessary.
  • Running technical audits of your site to spot and fix any issues which might impact its appearance in SERPs. Speed, mobile-friendliness and crawlability all play a key part in how your site ranks. It's therefore important that we make updates as proactively as possible.
  • Managing backlinks to ensure that incoming links to your site are from trusted sources.
  • Analysing website performance data using analytics tools to track KPIs such as organic traffic, rankings, conversions, and user engagement.
  • Monitoring changes within your industry. SEO is dynamic and search algorithms are constantly changing. It's important that we track changes in your space and adapt your site and content as needed. 

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